Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter. The man at the counter asked the older boy, “Son, how old are you?” “Eight,” the boy replied. The man continued, “do you know what these are used for?” The boy replied, “not exactly, […]

Redneck Classic
Redneck Harley…… Redneck Bass Boat…… Redneck Grill…… Redneck Horseshoes…… Redneck Lawnmower…… Redneck Weather Station….. Redneck Pet Carrier…… Redneck Gingerbread House…… Redneck Wedding Reception……. Redneck Cat……. Redneck Guest Bedrooms……. Redneck Palm Pilot…….. Redneck Powerball Winner……. The above Powerball Winner on Vacation……. Redneck Yacht: You are a redneck if… A little rain doesn’t spoil the fishing… You […]