Train Station in Antwerpen (Belgium)
This video was made in the Antwerp, Belgium Central (Train) Station on the 23rd of March 2009.. With no warning to the passengers passing through the station, at 08:00 am a recording of Julie Andrews singing Do, Re, Mi begins to play on the public address system. As the bemused passengers watch in amazement, some […]

How to Tell the Sex of a Fly
A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter . “What are you doing?” She asked. “Hunting Flies” He responded. “Oh! Killing any?” She asked. “Yep, 3 males, 2 Females,” he replied. Intrigued, she asked. “How can you tell them apart?” He responded, “3 were on a beer […]
V Autobuse
Vážení, byl jsem svědkem této situace: Jel jsem autobusem, kde byla i jedna cca 16-ka. Měla na tváři silnou vrstvu make-upu. Nastoupil chlapec, taky v jejím věku, a po zkoumavém pohledu na její tvář prohlásil: “Paštika patří na chleba a ne na xicht …”. Nastalo hrobové ticho. Všichni jsme byli zvědaví, jak a jestli vůbec […]
Most Women
One Flaw In (Most) Women… Women have strengths that amaze men. They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what […]