Belgische Douane
Vijf Hollanders in een Audi Quattro arriveren bij een Belgische grenspost. Daar worden ze gestopt door beambte Sjefke die zegt: ‘Het is illegaal om vijf mensen in een Audi Quattro te vervoeren;Quattro betekent vier.’ ‘Quattro is alleen de naam van de auto,’ antwoordt de bestuurder. ‘Je kunt er best vijf mensen in vervoeren. Wil je […]
Earth Day Predictions of 1970
Source: Here are some of the spectacularly wrong predictions made on the occasion of Earth Day 1970. “We have about five more years at the outside to do something.” Kenneth Watt, ecologist “Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.” George Wald, Harvard Biologist “We […]
Všetci vieme, že keď niečo rozoberieme a znovu to zložíme, zostane nám vždy nejaká malá eidentifikovateľná súčiastka. Nikde nechýba a všetko funguje tak, ako má, no stále zostáva otázka: Na čo teda je tá súčiastka? Odpoveď je jednoduchá: Súčiastka je tzv. kurvítko. Kurvítko spôsobuje, že daná vec sa presne po vypršaní záručnej doby pokazí, a […]

Amazing Pictures
Waves of Hawaii These incredible images of waves were taken by the number 1 photographer of surf: Clark Little. He has dedicated his life to photographing the waves and has published a selection of the best images of his career. He captures magical moments inside the “tube”, as surfers say. Sun … glints off wave […]