Various Types of Bra
For some women, it’s easy to find bras that fit in styles they like. But many others aren’t so lucky, spending endless time and money in search of that elusive perfect style and fit. The underwire bra is designed to provide additional lift. Underwire can be found in many different styles of bras. Some women […]

A River Over a River in Germany
Leave it to the Germans to think of some technical feats. Have you ever seen a Water Bridge over a river?….. Even after you see it, it is still hard to believe! Water Bridge in Germany. What a feat! Six years, 500 million euros, 918 meters long.. now this is engineering! This is a channel-bridge […]
Dog for Sale
Whether you own a dog or not, you must appreciate the efforts of this owner to sell her dog. Read the sales pitch! Dog For Sale Free to good home. Excellent guard dog. Owner cannot afford to feed him anymore, as there are no more drug pushers, thieves, murderers, or molesters left in the neighborhood […]
Prostate Exam
A man goes to his doctor for his physical and gets sent to the Urologist as a precaution. When he gets there, he discovers the urologist is a very pretty female doctor. The female doctor says, ‘I’m going to check your prostate today, but this new procedure is a little different from what you are […]
Please, Have a Coffee on Me..
Just cause it’s so hard for me to take you out for a coffee… have one on me…. Enjoy 1. CLICK ON THE LINK (BELOW) 2. PUT THE COIN IN THE VENDING MACHINE 3. CHOOSE YOUR DRINK 4. CLICK ON THE CUP WHEN IT IS READY 5. CLICK ON OPEN ENJOY! to start click: http://www.cartoline.it/pics/_zoom_flash.htm?immagine=scherzi_150404_01.swf
Heslá Dňa
Ak ste dobrý, hodia na vás všetku prácu. Ak ste naozaj dobrý, dokážete sa jej zbaviť! Všetci za jedného, jebem na všetkých!!! V živote sa treba pre niečo zapáliť… V krematóriu už bude neskoro. Ženy síce vedia predstierať orgazmus, no muži vedia predstierať celý vzťah… NEBER DROGY! Nikdy nikomu neber drogy! Šťastie nezávisí od peňazí. […]