My Life Would Be Different If…
For those who love their pets IF I DIDN’T HAVE A DOG OR CAT….. I could walk around the yard barefoot in safety. My house could be carpeted instead of tiled and laminated. All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture, and cars would be free of hair. When the doorbell rings, it wouldn’t sound like a kennel. […]

The Sky Before Katrina, a Need To See / De Lucht vóór Katrina, Bijzonder om te Zien
De lucht voordat Katrina toesloeg… Wie deze foto’s dan ook genomen heeft, heeft fantastisch werk geleverd. En wie zei dat Katrina ‘ontzagwekkend en schrikaanjagend’ was, sprak de waarheid. Kijk hier maar eens naar… Deze foto’s werden genomen door een man in Magee, Mississippi, waar het hart van de storm doorheenjoeg – wat een ervaring. Magee […]
Senior Moment
A very self-important college freshman attending a recent football game, took it upon himself to explain to a senior citizen sitting next to him why it was impossible for the older generation to understand his generation. ‘You grew up in a different world, actually an almost primitive one,’ the student said, loud enough for many […]
How Are You Feeling Today?
Just in case you weren’t feeling too old today. The people who are starting college this fall were born in 1990. They are too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up. Their lifetime has always included AIDS. The CD was introduced two years before they were born. They have always had an answering machine. […]