Beauty on Earth
Cherry Blossoms, Japan Tundra Autumn in Germany The beauty of Antarctica Salzburg, Austria Neuschwanstein, King Ludwig’s Castle in Bavaria, Germany Windmills of Holland Beauty of Tibet Disney Castle Golden Maple Leaf Edge of Glacier Lavender Farm and Tree Lavender Farm The Night Scene of Eiffel Tower Blue Sea Earthbound Rainbow Mirror Lake Lavender at the […]
Sir Moses Haim Montefiore
Sir Moses Haim Montefiore (1784-1885) the British Jewish banker, philanthropist, international fighter for human rights, and one-time Sheriff of London, was once, the story goes, seated at a dinner party next to a notoriously anti-Semitic nobleman who remarked that he had just returned from Japan where “they have neither pigs nor Jews.” Montefiore is supposed […]

Rice Art
This looks like ordinary Japanese people, planting ordinary rice in an ordinary rice paddy. But as you scroll down, a picture emerges as the rice grows. Toward the bottom, the pictures are captioned with an explanation of this unique art. Stunning crop art has sprung up across rice fields in Japan, but this is no […]
Stimulus Plan
Some time this year, we taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus payment. This is a very exciting new program. I will explain it using the Q and A format: Q. What is an Economic Stimulus payment? A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers. Where will the government get this money? […]